
The Way of Presentation- কিভাবে প্রেজেন্টেশন দিবেন?

Presentation-এর নিয়মাবলি

Presentation(প্রেজেন্টেশন) :  A presentation is an ornamental speech presented by someone. The personality of a man can be vividly expressed through his nice presentation. Actually, presentation is nothing but the expression of a man having artistic appeal as well as information.

কিভাবে Presentation দেয়ার আত্নবিশ্বাস বৃদ্ধি করবেন

  • Build up your confidence
  • Follow the style of any impressive speech
  • Try to use recent statistics
  • Develop an impressive style of speaking
  • Control your breath, voice and tone Try to use simple and easy language
  • Maintain an eye contact
  • Present your speech lively and without any hesitation
  • Try to quote relevant example, story, incident and jokes in your speech.


কিভাবে প্রেজেন্টেশন শুরু করবেন?

Dear friends/ Ladies and gentlemen, good morning/ good afternoon /good evening, this is ( mention your full name) on behalf of the (mention the name of the institution/ organization), I welcome you all, to this ( mention the name of the programmed).

See also  ইংরেজী Silent Letters এর সহজ কিছু নিয়ম

Honorable audience, you will be glad to hear that Mr. Akbar Ali Khan is the chief guest and Mrs. Salma Khan is the special guest of today’s function.

Honorable guest, you will be glad to hear that the distinguished chief guest and the reverenced special guest of today’s function have already arrived in our midst.


Presentation এ কাউকে স্টেজে কিভাবে ডাকবেন?

Now I would like to request the honorable president along with the distinguished chief guest and the reverenced special guests to kindly come to dais to take their respective seats.

Now I would like to request Mr./Mrs./ Miss. (mention the name of the speaker) to come to the dais and to say something about today’s topic. Please Mr./Mrs/ Miss. (mention the name of the speaker) Ladies and Gentleman, now I would like to invite you all to enjoy the speech of Mr./Miss/Mrs. X.

See also  কিভাবে ইংরেজি উচ্চারণ করবেন, ইংরেজি উচ্চারণের সহজ নিয়ম



কিভাবে আপনার বক্তৃতা শুরু করবেন?

Dear brothers and sisters / Dear friends/ Dear audience/ Dear students / Ladies and gentlemen, assalamualaikum warahmatullah/ good morning/ good afternoon/ good evening.

It’s my special pleasure to be here today/ I am thrilled and excited to be here today/ I am so honoured to be here today/ It’s my privilege to meet some smart people like you/ I am really very pleased to come here in this beautiful morning/ beautiful evening. Truly speaking it is a great pleasure for me to say something before you. But I am not a good speaker. Please pardon me for my limitation/ignorance. I will try my level best to deliver my short speech on today’s topic and the topic is (mention the name of your topic).


Note: In American culture presentation starts with hi/hello- but this is taken to be too much formal, is not decent in our cultural environment.

See also  Some Important Ornamental Words



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