Job Circular

BIWTC Job Circular 2022 PDF Download (Vacancies 110)

Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation (BIWTC) Recruitment Circular 2022

About Inland Water Transport Corporation (BIWTC)

Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation – BIWTC job circular 2022 PDF has been published on the official website 110 people will be recruited. Candidates interested to work in BIWTC should apply online quickly. The online application process will start on 23 February 2022. Let’s know the detailed information about the application requirements and online application procedure. বাংলা সংস্করণ


Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation (BIWTC) is an autonomous service-oriented commercial organization under the Ministry of Shipping of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. In the immediate aftermath of the War of Independence, the Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation (BIW) was established in 1972 with the merger of 1 government and 9 non-governmental organizations with 611 merchant and auxiliary ships in accordance with Presidential Order No. 28 to maintain the country’s overall connectivity and transportation system. At present, the company operates a total of 184 ships, including 131 merchant ships and 53 auxiliary ships.


BIWTC’s vision

Safe passenger, vehicle and cargo transportation on inland and coastal waterways.


BIWTC’s mission

To ensure safe transportation of passengers and goods between the mainland and the islands of the country and to ensure efficient ferry service to maintain uninterrupted road connectivity.


BIWTC Job Circular 2022 Functions

  • To make safe and efficient shipping and shipping arrangements by inland and coastal waterways and to perform all the functions related and helpful with the said shipping and shipping system.
  • Procurement of new ships, chartering, maintenance and sale of old ships.
  • Operation of oil tankers on inland and coastal waterways.
  • Operation of passenger and cargo ships with lighterage on inland and coastal waterways.
  • Ferry service management. Operation of 4 container vessels.
  • Establishment and maintenance of dockyard and repair workshop.
  • Perform all other functions related and helpful to the appropriate subject.

Board of Directors The Board of Directors of BIWTC consists of 1 Chairman and 4 Directors appointed by the Government. The secretary of the organization serves as the secretary of the board of directors. The heads of different departments implement the decisions of the authorities under the control of the concerned director.



BIWTC Recruitment Circular 2022 for 11 posts

The following vacant posts of Bangladesh Inland Shipping Corporation (BIWTC) along with other allowances payable as per the rules are available online from the actual citizens of Bangladesh for Lake Niyag as per the pay scale mentioned next to the post. The website is inviting applications online within the stipulated time. Applications sent through any medium other than online will not be accepted.

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BIWTC Job Circular 2022 Term Information

Below are various information regarding the posts mentioned in Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation Recruitment Circular 2022.


1. Position Name: Junior Engineer (Mechanical)

Number of vacancies: 01;

Salary Scale: BDT. 22,000-53,060 / -;

Grade: 9th;

Educational Qualification: Degree in Mechanical Naval Architecture / Marine Engineering.


2. Position Name: Junior Engineer (Electrical)

Number of vacancies: 01;

Salary Scale: BDT. 22,000-53,060 / -;

Grade: 9th;

Educational Qualification: Degree in Electrical Engineering.


3. Position Name: Planning Officer

Number of vacancies: 01;
Salary Scale: BDT. 22,000-53,060 / -;
Grade: 9th;
Educational Qualification: Master Degree in the following subjects.

Economics, statistics, business administration, trade


4. Position Name: Law Officer

Number of vacancies: 01;
Salary Scale: BDT. 22,000-53,060 / -;
Grade: 9th;
Educational Qualification: Bachelor’s degree in law.


5. Position Name: Purchasing Officer

Number of vacancies: 01;
Salary Scale: BDT. 22,000-53,060 / -;
Grade: 9th;
Educational Qualification: Master Degree.


6. Position Name: Insurance Officer

Number of vacancies: 01;
Salary Scale: BDT. 22,000-53,060 / -;
Grade: 9th;
Educational Qualification: Bachelor’s degree in Commerce.


7. Position Name: Engineering Supervisor (Mechanical)

Number of vacancies: 02;
Salary Scale: BDT.12,500-30,230 / -;
Grade: 11th;
Educational Qualification: Diploma in Mechanical Engineering.

8. Position Name: Assistant Audit Officer

Number of vacancies: 02;
Salary Scale: BDT. 12,500-30,230 / -;
Grade: 9th;
Educational Qualification: Bachelor’s degree in Commerce or Business Administration.



9. Position Name: Junior Naval Officer

Number of vacancies: 02;
Salary Scale: BDT. 22,000-53,060 / -;
Grade: 9th;
Educational Qualification: Passed HSC from Science Group.


10. Position Name: Second Class Master

Number of vacancies: 13;
Salary Scale: BDT. 12,500-30,230 / -;
Grade: 9th;
Educational Qualification: Passed SSC.


11. Position Name: Greiser

Number of vacancies: 75;
Salary Scale: BDT. 9,000-21,600 / -;
Grade: 16th;
Educational Qualification: 8th class pass.

Age limit:

The maximum age limit for general candidates is 18-30 years. The maximum age limit for persons with disabilities is 18-32 years. Affidavit of age proof is not admissible.



BIWTC Job Circular 2022 Terms and conditions for filling online application form


Application deadline:

Online application form filling and application fee submission start date and time 03/012022 AD. 10.00 am

Last date and time for submission of application form online is 26.01.2022 AD. 05.00 pm

Rules of application

Candidates interested in getting job in Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation can apply from this website Let’s know step by step how to apply.

  • Visit this link
  • Click on “Current Circular”.
  • Click on the “Apply Now” option.
  • Click on the name of any one of the terms.
  • Select “No” and click on “Next”. Now follow the next instructions and fill out and submit BIWTC application form.
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Note that according to BIWTC Recruitment 2022, the candidate will need a photograph of himself and a photograph of a signature while filling the application form. Where the image size should be 300 x 300 pixels and the signature size should be 300 x 60 pixels.


Or, you can apply by clicking on the Apply Now button.

[su_button url=”” target=”blank” style=”3d” size=”8″ wide=”no” center=”yes”]Apply now[/su_button]


Received candidates will be able to submit the examination fee via SMS within 72 (seventy two) hours from the time of submission of application form online.

BIWTC Job Circular 2022 Regarding photo and signature

Photo uploaded

At the designated place in the online application form, the candidate (Length x Width) should not be less than or equal to 300×300 pixels (File Size not more than 100KB is acceptable) and not more than three months before the oil color photo upload.

Note that pictures in black will not be acceptable. If the picture is not printed in the applicant’s copy, the application form will be rejected. Oily pictures will not be accepted after sunglasses.


Signature uploaded

At the designated place of application online, the candidate has to upload a signature of such size (length x width) not less than 300×60 pixels (file size not more than 60KB is acceptable). If the signature is not printed on the applicant’s copy, the application will be rejected.

Clicking on the Home Page (Photo a signature Validator) Menu can get detailed instructions about Photo and Signature.

Since the information filled in the application form online will be used for all subsequent activities, the candidate himself will be 100% sure about the accuracy of all the information filled in before applying online.

Candidates should save a printed copy of the application form filled in online as helpful for any requirement related to the examination. And submit one copy during the oral examination.


Rules for sending SMS and payment of examination fee

After filling the application form online and uploading the photo and signature as per the instructions, the application preview will be seen on the computer along with the photo.

Candidates who have completed the application will get a User ID photo and a signed Applicant’s copy. If any of the information in the applicant’s copy is incorrect or the obscure Johnny (full sana / ghaela in full black) or photo signature is not correct then you can re-apply.

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However, since no further changes / modifications or additions are acceptable after submission of application fee, the candidate must download the PDF copy and print the color of the applicant’s copy before submitting the application fee. Save.

BIWTC Job Circular 2022How much is the application fee?

300 / -, 400 / – and 500 / – have been fixed for examination fee or application fee respectively. 36 / -, 46 / – and 60 / – will be deducted for service charge at the time of submission of application fee. Submit the money within 72 (seventy two) hours after submitting the online application.

It should be noted here that even if all the parts of the application form are filled and submitted online, the online application form will not be accepted under any circumstances till the examination fee is paid.


Candidates will be able to download the written test entry form after the application deadline. Written, practical (in case of case) and oral examination will be held with the same admission card.

Note that the date, time and name of the center will be mentioned in the admission form.


How to submit application fee?

If the online application form is properly filled and submitted, the candidate will get a Applicants Copy and a User ID will be given. Application fee must be paid using this User ID.

Application fee must be paid through Teletalk Pre-paid SIM. Application fee must be submitted within 72 hours. Otherwise, your application will not be accepted. Let’s see how to pay the application fee by just 02 SMS.


First SMS: Go to the message option of the phone and type BIWTC <space> User ID and send the SMS to 16222.

Second SMS: Go to the message option of the phone again and type BIWTC <space> Yes <space> PIN and send SMS to 16222.


Your application process will be completed successfully if you send two SMS as per the above rules mentioned in BIWTC Recruitment Notification 2022. You will be notified via an SMS that the application has been successfully completed and a password will be provided. Save the password.


  • The matter of receipt of admission letter ( will be notified in time on the website and via SMS on the mobile phone of the candidate (only eligible candidates).
  • All the application related to the mobile phone provided by the candidate in the online application form will be completed.
  • User Using the User ID and Password sent in the SMS, the next rail number, position name, password.


BIWTC Job circular 2022 PDF Download

BIWTC নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি 2022 PDF পিডিএফ ডাউনলোড করুন


BIWTC নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি 2022 PDF পিডিএফ ডাউনলোড করুন


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