Middle English Literature

মধ্যযুগীয় ইংরেজী সাহিত্য-Middle English Literature

মধ্যযুগীয় ইংরেজী সাহিত্য (১০৬৬-১৫০০)

আজকের পর্বে আমরা মধ্যযুগীয় ইংরেজী সাহিত্য নিয়ে আলোচনা করবো। আশাকরি এই পোষ্টে মধ্যযুগীয় ইংরেজী সাহিত্য সম্পর্কে আপনাদের একটা ভাল ধারণা দিতে পারবো।


  • What are the characteristics of Middle English literature?

Middle English literature refers to the literature that existed between the end of the old Anglo-Saxon literature, and the beginning of new English literature. Middle English is definitely different from old English. Anglo Saxon literature is practically all in one language. Middle English is really not such a distinct language. Middle English literature is a number of different dialects and influenced by French language. Old English literature belongs to the nomadic Germanic tribes. But Middle English is a new form and bears a new tune. Middle English literature records a growth. It is more refined literature than old English. Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales is a unique growth.

  • What do you know about Norman Conquest?

The battle of Hastings of 1066 ended the power of the last Saxon king, Harold and established the Norman rule in England. On the Christmas Day, 1066 William II, duke of Normandy was crowned as the king William I of England. That Norman Conquest was a decisive event in the history of England in all spheres. It brought about radical changes in all matters in English life and mind. It did not only affect the political matter but also it influenced and shaped English literature and language. The Norman Conquest imposed a French speaking ruling class on England. They imported into England a French literary ideal and French culture. Latin and French were the only recognized and honored languages in the Norman court. Normans were superior to the Anglo-Saxon, politically and militarily. French literature was rich in wit and humor.

See also  Thomas Malory (1405-1471)


  • Do you think the Norman Conquest contributed to the expansion of English culture and literature?

Yes, it contributed to the expansion of English culture and literature. English language and literature were enriched by the French language. The Normans brought French language literature reappeared under the French impact, the English writers contributed to story-telling in verse, allegorical and legends. Moreover, prefixes and suffixes from French, too, served to have new word formations with native words. At the end of the Middle English period, the dialect, as modified by Chaucer, became the basis of modern English.


  • What do you know about Anglo-Norman literature (1066-1340)?

The Norman conquest of 1066 had a tremendous impact on English language and literature. English literature remained silent for more than a century immediately after the conquest. The Normans made their literary pursuits on the soil of England. But their language was Latin and French and English literature had no contact with the literary activities of the Normans, Latin chronicles was the chief literary work of Anglo Norman period. Secular literature played a vital role in that period. The most notable secular work of the Anglo-Norman period is “The Owl and the Nightingale”. Metrical romances were founded in Anglo-Norman period that inspired by French literature. The metrical romances include different types of stories and legends.

See also  William Langland সম্পর্কে


  • What do you know about the literary features of English literature?


  • Secular literature
  • Medieval romances
  • Arthurian romances and legends
  • Allegorical literature specially theological allegory (Langland’s Pier’s the Plowman)
  • Influence on prose writing especially religious prose
  • Malory’s prose romance “Morto D’ Arther was immensely popular”.
  • Religious reformation by John Wycliffe translating Bible into English.
  • Lyricism


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