Exam Based Grammar

Right form of verb এর টেকনিক

Right form of Verbs এর কিছু নিয়ম বাংলায়

Right form of Verbs এর সহজ কিছু নিয়ম নিম্নে দেয়া হল। আশাকরি এই নিয়মগুলো ভালভাবে অনুশিলন করতে পারলে Right form of Verbs নিয়ে আর কোন সমস্যা থাকবে না।

Right form of Verbs এর নিয়ম গুলো নিম্নে দেয়া হল।



কোন Sentence এ যদি always, sometimes, daily, everyday, often, never, seldom, frequently normally, occasionally, generally, regularly, usually ইত্যাদি শব্দ থাকে সেক্ষেত্রে  Sentence টি present indefinite হয়।


  • He never (tell) a lie.

Ans: He never tells a lie.


  • When he (go) to bed normally?

Ans: When does he go to bed normally?.



Yesterday, ago, long before. last, once, once upon a time, in the olden time. long week, last month, last night. last year প্রভৃতি past point of time নির্দেশক word বা phrase গুলো Sentence এ ব্যবহার করলে বা থাকলে সে sentence এর verb form সবসময় past indefinite tense হবে।


  • She (go) to America three years ago.

Ans: She went to America three years


  • Moon (do) the work yesterday.

Ans: Moon did the work yesterday.



Just. Just now, ever, already, recently, lately প্রভৃতি word গুলো sentence এ ব্যাবহার করলে বা থাকলে সে sentence এর form হবে Present Perfect Tense অনুযায়ী।


  • I just (arrive) here.

Ans: I have just arrived here.


  • Hasan already (finish) the work.

Ans: Hasan has already finished the work.



Since/ as though / as if যুক্ত sentence এর প্রথম অংশ  present indefinite / present perfect tense হলে পরের অংশ হবে past indefinite এবং Since/as though / as if যুক্ত sentence এর পরের অংশ past indefinite হলে পরের অংশ past perfect tense হবে।


  • Ten years have passed since he (die).

Ans: Ten years have passed since he died.


  • Ten years passed since I (meet) him.

Ans: Ten years passed since I had met him.

Rules of Right form of Verbs Bangla


No sooner had……………than. scarcely had when. hardly had before se Verb কে past participle করতে হয় এবং ২য় ব্রাকেটের Verb কে past form করতে হয়।


  • No sooner had he (go) out than I (come).

Ans: No sooner had he gone out than I came.


  • Scarcely the police (saw) the thief when he ran away.

Ans: Searcely had the police seen the thief when he ran away.



Had better, Had rather, would better, would rather (তবুও বরং ভালো), let need, must, dare ইত্যাদির পর verb এর present form বসে এবং verb এর পূর্বে to থাকলে উক্ত to উঠে যায়।


  • She had better (left) the place.

Ans: She had better leave the place.


  • You had better (to go) home.

Ans: You had better go home.



Universal truth ( চিরসত্য), Historical fact (ঐতিহাসিক ঘটনা), Habitual fact (অভ্যাসগত কাজ) প্রভৃতি বুঝালে সেক্ষেত্রে sentence এর verb form সবসময় Present Indefinite হয়।


  • The earth (move) round the sun.

Ans: The earth moves round the sun.


  • He (take) tea everyday.

Ans: He takes tea everyday.



Right form of Verbs এর কিছু সহজ নিয়ম



Keep, help, without, remain প্রভৃতি word এর পরবর্তিতে verb এর সাথে সাধারণত ing হয় এবং sentence টি সব সময় negative form-এ ব্যবহৃত হয়।


  • Roni can’t help (laugh) at your words.

Ans: Roni can’t help laughing at your words.


  • Jharna can’t remain (talk).

Ans: Jharna can’t remain talking.



Until, unless এবং if দ্বারা দুটি clause verb fo Present indefinite tense পরবর্তী verb টি future indefinite tense হবে। অন্যদিকে পূর্ববর্তী verb টি Future indefinite tense হলে পরবর্তী verb টি Present indefinite tense হবে।


  • Unless you read well, you (fail)

Ans: Unless you read well, you will fail.


  • I shall wait for you until you (will come).

Ans: I shall wait for you until you come.



Before Past perfect tense-me Past indefinite tense after প্রথম অংশ Past indefinite tense-এর হলে পরের অংশ Past perfect tense হয়।

অর্থাৎ Before -এর আগের অংশ Past perfect tense এবং পরের অংশ Past indefinite tense হয়। অনুরূপভাবে after এর আগের অংশ Past indefinite tense এবং পরের অংশ Past perfect tense হয় ।


  • The train had (leave) before Lisa (come).

Ans: The train had left before Lisa came.


  • The train (leave) after Lisa (come).
See also  Correction এর সহজ নিয়ম

Ans: The train left after Lisa had come.



Excuse, avoid, forbid, advise, consider, forgive, stop. pardon, suggest, start. practice. prefer finish enjoy, প্রভৃতি verb গুলোর পরবর্তী মূল verb এর সাথে ing যোগ হয়।


  • Eva started (do) her work.

Ans: Eva started doing her work.


  • My mother advised (behave) well all.

Ans: mother advised behaving well all.

Right form Verb এর নিয়ম বাংলায়



Subject together with, along with, accompanied by, in addition to. as well as. rather than, like, unlike. but. except, besides, including, excluding, দ্বারা যুক্ত হয় তাহলে প্রথম Subject এর person ও number অনুযায়ী verb এর number নির্ধারিত হয়। অন্যদিকে Either or এবং Neither…nor এর ক্ষেত্রে or এবং nor  পরবর্তি Subject এর personও number অনুযায়ী verb এর form নির্ধারিত হয়।


  • The thief rather than his family (be) to blame.

Ans: The thief rather than his family is to blame.


  • Rakib along with his friends (have been) invited to the ceremony.

Ans: Rakib along with his friends has been invited to the ceremony.


Rule-13 :

দুটি Singular subject যদি and দ্বারা যুক্ত থাকে এবং তারা যদি একই অর্থ বা ভাব প্রকাশ করে, তবে সেক্ষেত্রে verb এর singular form হয়। অন্যদিকে দুই বা ততোধিক Singular subject এর পূর্বে যদি each, every এবং no ব্যবহৃত হয় তবে সে ক্ষেত্রে verb এর Singular form হয়।


  • Bread and butter (be) my favorite food.

Ans: Bread and butter is my favorite food.


  • His name and address (be) here.

Ans: His name and address is here.


Rule-14 :

কোন sentence-এ wish/ as if as though এর পর ব্র্যাকেটে be থাকলে were বসে। অন্য verb থাকলে তার past from হবে।


  • I wish I (be) a king.

Ans: I wish I were a king.


  • He talks as if he (know) every thing.

Ans: He talks as if he knew every thing.

Right form Verbs এর নিয়ম Bengali



Each of. One of, neither of, the use of, quality of প্রভৃতি শব্দগুলোর পরে plural noun ব্যাবহৃত হয় কিন্তু verb এর singular number হয়।


  • One of his friends (have) done the work.

Ans: One of his friends has done the work.


  • Neither of them (be) guilty.

Ans: Neither of them is guilty.


Rule-16 :

ইংরেজিতে কিছু word বা noun আছে যেগুলো দেখতে singular মনে হয় কিন্তু এগুলো plural এবং সেক্ষেত্রে verb- plural- – aristocracy, cattle, nobility, poultry, people, peasantry, folk, gentry প্রভৃতি plural subject হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হয়।


  • Cattle (be) grazing in the field

Ans: Cattle are grazing in the field.


  • Now people (be) conscious.

Ans: Now people are conscious.


Rule-17 :

কিছু কিছু noun আছে যারা দেখতে plural কিন্তু আসলে singular অর্থে ব্যবহৃত হয় এবং তাদের verb ও singular – mathematics, physics, gallows, politics, news প্রভৃতি singular subject হিসাবে

ব্যবহৃত হয়।


  • The news of CNN (be) partial.

Ans: The news of CNN is partial.


  • Physics (be) a very interesting subject.

Ans: Physics is a very interesting subject.



Right form of Verb এর বাংলা নিয়ম



Now, at present, at this moment এই তিনটি সময় জ্ঞাপক word যুক্ত  sentence এর  verb সাধারনত  present continuous হয়।


  • Now she (be) going to make a cake.

Ans: Now she is going to make a cake.


  • At present I (work) in a Bank.

Ans: At present I am working in a Bank.



Simple sentence এ দুটি verb ব্যবহৃত হলে পরবর্তী verb এর সাথে ing যোগ হয়।


  • Shuvo saw him (do) the work.

Ans: Shuvo saw him doing the work.


  • He saw the bulldozer (destroy)

Ans: He saw the bulldozer destroying.



As though, as if, wish থাকলে bracket এ to be এর যায়গায় were বসে। 

  • I wish I (to be) a bird.

Ans: I wish I were a bird.


  • He talks as if he(to be) a mad.

Ans: He talks as if he were a mad.


Some rules of Right form of Verbs এর নিয়ম বাংলায়


Had better ( ভালো অর্থে ব্যবহৃত হলে) এবং let (imperative হিসেবে) এর পরে সাধারণত bare infinitive বসে।


  • Let him eat whatever he (like).

Ans: Let him eat whatever he likes.


  • You had better (keep) silent about him.

Ans: You had better keep silent about him.



Desire, promise, decided, offer, wish, except, want, refuse প্রভৃতি verb গুলোর পড়ে সাধারনত  to infinitive বসে।


  • Saddam promised (help) me.

Ans: Saddam promised to help me.

See also  Phrases কাকে বলে কত প্রকার ও কি কি? Phrase এর গঠন


  • He refused (take) the illegal money.

Ans: He refused to take the illegal money.



Collective noun-এর পরে সাধারণত singular verb ব্যবহৃত হয়। কিন্তু Collective noun এর পরে বিচ্ছিন্নতা/ ভিন্নতা বোঝালে plural verb বসে।


  • The committee (be) in favour him.

Ans: The committee is in favour him.


  • The committee (be) divided in their opinions.

Ans: The committee are divided in their opinions.



Distance, weight, money, time পভৃতি ক্ষেত্রে সবসময়  singular verb ব্যাবহৃহ হয়। 


  • Fifty years (be) a long time.

Ans: Fifty years is a long time.


  • Ninety kilograms (be) a heavy weight.

Ans: Ninety kilograms is a heavy weight.



Rule-25 :

কোন Sentence এ নির্দিষ্ট পরিমাণ দৈর্ঘ্য, দূরত্ব বুঝাতে verb সর্বদা singular হয়।


  • Ten miles (be) a long distance.

Ans: Ten miles is a long distance.


  • One hundred dollars (be) my cash.

Ans: One hundred dollars is my cash.



Both, many, some, few প্রভৃতি indefinite pronoun, plural রুপ ধারণ করে এবং plural verb গ্রহন করে।

যেমন :

  • Both of them (be) my friends.

Ans: Both of them are my friends.


  • Some of my friends (be) honest.

Ans: Some of my friends are honest.



Introductory there’s যুক্ত বাক্যে singular noun এর কথা বলা হলে  singular verb এবং plural noun এর কথা বলা হলে plural verb হয়।


  • There (be) a college in our village.

Ans: There is a college in our village.


  • There (be) 300 students in our college.

Ans: There are 300 students in our college.


Rule-28 :

ভগ্নাংশের ক্ষেত্রে কোন কিছুর একাংশ subject হলে singular verb গ্রহণ করে এবং একাংশের অর্ধেক subject হলে plural verb গ্রহণ করে।


  • One-third of the mango (be)rotten.

Ans: One-third of the mango is rotten.


  • Two-thirds of the mango (be)rotten.

Ans: Two-thirds of the mango are rotten.



All-এর পরে plural verb বসে। তবে, প্রবাদ বাক্যের ক্ষেত্রে all – এর পরে singular verb বসে।


  • All horses (be) animals.

Ans: All horses are animals.


  • All that glitters (be) not gold.

Ans: All that glitters is not gold.



Anybody, anyone, anything, nobody, no one, nothing, somebody, someone, something. everybody everyone, everything ইত্যাদি subject হিসেবে singular verb গ্রহণ করে।


  • Everyone (wish) to be happy.

Ans: Everyone wishes to be happy.


  • Something (be) better than nothing.

Ans: Something is better than nothing.



Auxiliary verb বিহীন  sentence কে negative/interrogative করতে present indefinite tense-এ do/does এবং past indefinite tense-এ did বসে।


  • The boy (do not) read.

Ans: The boy does not read.


  • Did she (come) home yesterday?

Ans: Did she come home yesterday?

Right form of Verbs এর আরো সহজ কিছু নিয়ম

Rule-32 :

Interrogative sentence এ What, When, Where. Who, Which, Whose. Whom, Why, how থাকলে subject এর পূর্বে tense, person ও number অনুযায়ী to be verb বসে। to be verb না থাকলে Tense ও person অনুযায়ী do/does/ did বসে।

যেমন :

  • Why you so (laugh)?

Ans: Why do you so laugh? 


Rule-33 :

Can not but এর পরে  verb এর  present form বসে। আর Can not help এর পরে  verb+ing অর্থাৎ gerund বসে।


  • Suchi can not but (go) there.

Ans: Suchi can not but go there.


  • I can not help (go) home.

Ans: I can not help going home.



Subordinate clause কখনোই Interrogative হয়না।


  • You should tell me where (be) the college.

Ans: You should tell me where the college is.


  • I know when he (came) home.

Ans: I know when he came home.



If- clause এর verb present tense হলে  main-clause এর verb এর পূর্বে shall/ will/ must বসে। আর If-clause এর verb past perfect tense হলে main-clause এর verb এর পূর্বে would have/ could  ও have / might have বসে।


  • If you work hard, you (succeed).

Ans: I can not help going home.


  • If you want. I (help) you.

Ans: If you want. I will help you.



Number শব্দের পূর্বে the থাকলে singular verb এবং a থাকলে plural verb বসে।


  • The number of students in the class (be) small.

Ans: The number of students in the class is small.


  • A number of boys (be) playing.

Ans: A number of boys are playing.



Lest (পাছে ভয় হয়) শব্দের পর সর্বদা should/might হয়।


  • Sharna reads more lest she (fail) in the exam.

Ans: Shamna reads more lest she should fail in the exam

See also  Assertive sentence to Interrogative এর সহজ নিয়মাবলী



Being, to be, having ইত্যাদির পর মুল verb সবসময়  past participle হয়। 


  • I want the work to be(do).

Ans: I want the work to be done.


  • She ran away having (take) the ice-cream.

Ans: She ran away having taken the ice-cream.



Can. could, may, might, must, should, would ইত্যাদি auxiliary verb এর পর মুল verb এর present form হয়।

যেমন :

  • I could (do) the work.

Ans: I could do the work.


  • You may (help) me.

Ans: You may help me.



It is time, it is time, wish. fancy ইত্যাদি থাকলে ব্রাকেটের verb এর past form হয়।


  • It is time we (eat) our lunch

Ans: I fancy I turned pale.


  • I fancy I (turn) pale.

Ans: It is time we ate our lunch.


Rule41 :

While এর ঠিক পরেই ব্রাকেটের মধ্যে verb থাকলে তার সাথে ing যোগ হয়। কিন্তু while এর পরে subject থাকালে while এর অংশটি past continuous tense হয়।


  • While (walk) in the garden, a snake bit him.

Ans: While walking in the garden, a snake bit him.


  • While he (walk) in the garden, a snake bit him.

Ans: While he was walking in the garden, a snake bit him.


Rule-42 :

অতীত কালের নিয়মিত বা অনিয়মিত অভ্যাস বুঝালে used to -এর পরে verb-এর present form বসে ।


  • I used to (swim) in the river.

Ans: I used to swim in the river.


  • She used to (dance).

Ans: She used to dance.



Preposition যুক্ত Subject এর ক্ষেত্রে  Preposition এর আগের শব্দটি অনুসারে verb বসে।


  • The color of his eyes (be) blue.

Ans: The color of his eyes is blue.


  • The mangoes of Rajshahi (be) sweet.

Ans: The mangoes of Rajshahi are sweet.



Prefer to এর পরের  verb-এর সাথে ‘ing যোগ হয়।


  • I prefer to (read) novels.

Ans: I prefer to reading novels.


  • He prefers to (run) to walking.

Ans: He prefers running to walking.



Passive Voice এর ক্ষেত্রে মুল  verb- এর  Past participle form হয়।


  • English is (speak) all over the world.

Ans: English is spoken all over the world.


  • Rice is (cook) now.

Ans: Rice is being cooked now.


Right form of Verbs নিয়ম



“More than one’ Singular বিবেচিত হয়। তাই এর পরের Verb-এবং Nounটি Singular হয়। কিন্তু More than এর পরে Plural হলে Verb টিও Plural হয়।


  • More than one (members) is absent today.

Ans: More than one member is absent today.


  • More than fifty boys (be) running.

Ans: More than fifty boys are running.


Rule-47 :

বর্তমান কালের কামনা বুঝাতে wish + past indefinite হয়।


  • wish I (go) to London.

Ans: I wish I went to London.


  • I wish I (see) you.

Ans: I wish I saw you.

 ‍Some Exercise of Right form of verbs

  • He (come) home yesterday.
  • I saw him (read) a book.
  • The girl (go) to help her brother often.
  • I am (help) him for (do) good.
  • He (return) home just now.
  • You had better (write) the answer.
  • They (receive) the letter already.
  • It is high time he (start) the work.
  • He (read) since evening.
  •  If I were you, I (help) the poor.
  • The quality of the mangoes (be) good.
  • Have you (have) your meal?
  • The sun (set) in the west.
  • The color of her eyes (be) blue.
  • The office of his uncles (be) nice.
  • Il news (run) fast.
  •  Most of the teachers of our country (be) poor.
  • Then I (write) a letter.
  • He and I (be) friends.
  • Don’t gossip while (read).
  • Bread and butter (be) my favorite breakfast.
  • Slow and steady (win) the race.
  • It is time we (go) to college.
  • It is time (go) to college. hard, you (fail).
  •  The jury (be) giving its verdict today.
  • If you don’t work
  • The jury (be) divided into two groups.
  •  I am (do) the work.
  • The work is (do)
  • The committee (be) unanimous.
  • The committee (be) divided into two groups.
  • I already (go) there.
  • He (come) recently.
  • The virtuous (be) always happy.
  • The poor (be) born to suffer.
  • I went there with a view to (meet) him.
  • Last night I (dream) a bad dream.
  •  His father (die) last year.
  • He (go) to open the bank.
  • The book (belong) to me.
  • Our family (consist) of five members.
  • He (come) home last year.
  • I feel like (cry).
  • I could not help (laugh) at this.
  • They had the house (paint).
  • I have got my hair (cut).
  • I (see) you long ago.
  •  It is many years since I (come) to Dhaka.
  • Would that I (go) to college.
  • I wish I (to be) a king.


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