
Hamlet হ্যামলেট-বিসিএস প্রস্ততি ইংরেজী সাহিত্য

Hamlet হ্যামলেট সম্পর্কে ইংরেজী সাহিত্যের কিছু কমন প্রশ্ন

Hamlet হ্যামলেট এর পিতার মৃত্যুর পর, তার মা Gertrude হ্যামলেটের চাচা Claudius কে বিয়ে করে। হ্যামলেটের পিতার মত দেখতে রহস্যময়ী ভূত, হ্যামলেটের সাথে দেখা করে। তার পিতার ভূত তাকে জানায়, Claudius তার চাচা, তাকে হত্যা করেছে এবং তার মা Gertrude’s কে বিয়ে করেছে। তাকে, তার মৃত্যুর প্রতিশোধ নিতে বলে Hamlet হ্যামলেট কে।

হ্যামলেট প্রতিশোধমুলক ট্রাজেডি-Evaluate Hamlet as a revenge tragedy.

The play Hamlet follows the major rules of contemporary revenge tragedy. We have violent, bloody, and terrifying scenes which are the evidence of the revenge tragedy. For example, the murder of Polonius committed by Hamlet proves that it is a revenge tragedy. Hamlet would like to take revenge against his father’s death. He wants to take revenge upon his mother and his uncle. Laertes (son of Polonius) would like to take revenge upon Hamlet. There are the scenes of Ophelia going mad, getting drowned, and being buried. Several murders prove that Hamlet is a revenge tragedy. The Queen is the first to die, having drunk poisoned wine. Then the king dies. The next to die is Laertes who has been stabbed by Hamlet. The last to die is the hero himself. The play comes to end through terrible attack and counter attack.

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হ্যামলেটে স্বগতোক্তি Find out soliloquies in Hamlet.

In the course of the play, Hamlet has seven long soliloquies. The first of these occurs before he has seen the Ghost. In this soliloquy, Hamlet reveals his grief. He wishes that religion did not forbid suicide so that he could kill himself and be rid of this grief. Hamlet’s second soliloquy comes just after the ghost leaves him, after charging him with the duty of taking revenge upon the murderer of his father. In his third soliloquy, Hamlet bitterly scolds himself for having failed to perform his revenge so far. He calls himself a dull and muddy-mettled rascal.’ Hamlet’s fourth soliloquy is very famous and philosophical. “To be, or not to be: that is the question”.


Hamlet asks himself whether it is nobler to suffer the cruelties of fate silently or to put up a fight against the misfortunes of life. In his fifth soliloquy, Hamlet describes his mood saying ‘drink hot blood”. This mood he can even kill his mother. In his sixth soliloquy, Hamlet searches an opportunity to take revenge upon his uncle. Actually a soliloquy is a device by which Shakespeare reveals to us the inner working of a character’s mind like Hamlet.


অফেলিয়ার সাথে Hamlet হ্যামলেট সম্পর্ক-Comment on Hamlet’s relations with Ophelia.

Ophelia is the daughter of Polonius. He is a domineering father. Ophelia is dominated by his father always. In Elizabethan period fathers dominated their daughters. Actually Ophelia loves Hamlet. But her father being a cunning man would like to take this opportunity. He would like to utilize this opportunity to find out the reasons of Hamlet’s grief. Hamlet also loves Ophelia but he doesn’t want to disclose it because of his hidden plan (taking revenge upon his father’s killer). Gertrude and Polonius make an opportunity for Ophelia to collect the real information of Hamlet. But their plan becomes vain. Hamlet neglects Ophelia though he loves her very much.

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Polonius tells the king that Hamlet has gone mad because of Ophelia’s rejection of love. Actually Hamlet wants to take revenge upon his mother and uncle. So he doesn’t want to engage himself with Ophelia at this moment. Ophelia gradually became mad and drowned in the water and breathed her last. Here we see melancholy over the face of Hamlet. Actually his love for Ophelia is genuine. But circumstances compelled him to neglect her.


Hamlet হ্যামলেট ট্রাজেডির জন্য কে দায়ী?-Character or fate? Who is responsible for the tragedy in Hamlet?

Shakespeare largely holds character itself responsible for the tragedy in the life of human beings. The play Hamlet certainly produces in us the feeling that there is some mysterious power in the universe which upsets human hopes, plans, and calculations. The very appearance of the Ghost in this play is a situation for which fate is responsible. It seems to us that fate leads Hamlet to do something. The accidental encounter of the ship, by which Hamlet is voyaging to England, with a pirate vessel, is one such manifestation.

If this accident had not occurred, Hamlet would have arrived in England, perhaps never to return. Fate brings him back to Denmark. At the center of the tragedy, however, is the defect in Hamlet’s own character. True that fate has placed him in a difficult situation but he hesitates to take revenge that another man took timely. This delay leads him to meet tragic events. So, both character and fate are responsible for the tragedy in Hamlet.


ইংরেজি প্রতিশোধমুলক ট্রাজেডি সম্পর্কে কি জানো? What do you know about English revenge tragedy? Do you find any sibilantly between Hamlet and Spanish tragedy?

Senecan tragedy is considered as the revenge tragedy. The Senecan tragedy is mainly three fold-revenge, blood and supernatural terror. The theme of the Senecan play is revenge for the murder. The theme of “The Spanish Tragedy” is blood and revenge. The Senecan revenge theme is found to have a distinct influence on Shakespeare. His Hamlet is definitely a revenge play. In Julius Caesar” and “Macbeth” the dominant motive is also blood and revenge, with representation of supernatural horrors. The Duchess of Malfy is another revenge tragedy containing death, horror, blood etc.

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স্প্যনিশ  ট্রাজেডি সম্পর্কে কি জানো? What do you know about the Spanish tragedy? Do you find any similarity between Hamlet and Spanish tragedy?

The Spanish tragedy is founded on the Senecan model dealing with revenge, blood and the supernatural terror. There is the invention of madness, genuine or artificial of some character. Hieronimo pretends madness, and this enables him to have an easy access to others and steady scheme of revenge. This matter of madness, introduced by Kyd as an accessory to the revenge motive, is found in Shakespeare’s Hamlet, and Hamlet’s madness is a theme of universal interest.

Another important Kydian aspect is the introduction of the play within the play. Hieronimo arranges a play before the king. The idea of play within a play has been taken by Shakespeare in Hamlet. The introduction of the soliloquy is another trait of Kyd’s tragedy. Kyd’s soliloquy is found adopted, improved and most profusely used by Shakespeare in his tragedies. The Spanish Tragedy remains the model of the English revenge tragedy. Shakespeare’s most controversial play Hamlet is surely much indebted to he Spanish Tragedy for its theme as well as technique.


Hamlet হ্যামলেট কি প্রতিশোধমুলক ট্রাজেডি? Hamlet is a revenge tragedy. Do you agree?

Hamlet is considered as a revenge tragedy because Hamlet, the hero has the intension to take revenge against his father’s death. Fortinbras wants to take revenge on Denmark. Laertes wants to take revenge against his father’s death. Hamlet is enjoyed by his father’s ghost with the duty of avenging his father’s death.


Do you find soliloquies in Hamlet হ্যামলেট?

Soliloquies are found in Hamlet. Hamlet is greatly grieved at the sudden death of his father. He has lost all his amusement; delight in the objects of the world, which he considers as the Unweed garden’. Hamlet attitude to his mother is very noteworthy in the following soliloquy:

How weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable

Seem to me all the uses of the world.

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