Middle English Literature

Short notes on Chaucer : Chaucer as the father of English poetry

Chaucer (1340-1400)

Write a short note on Chaucer

The age of Chaucer is very remarkable age in the history of English. Th age was a meeting ground of the two old and new, medieval and the Renaissance. It was an age of great political, social, religious and literary activity. The democratic tendency emerged in this period. Canterbury Tales is the major literary work in this period. It is a landmark in the history of English literature as well as in the English language. The age of Chaucer witnessed a rapid growth in trade and commerce. Women were though inferior to men. Child marriage was in vogue among the rich and wealthy persons. Dowry was in practice and girls were sometimes sold. The intervention of the church was remarkable. This age witnessed the rise of the English language. The English language was standardized. Chaucer was a born humorist. He was the master of humor and irony. He was the firs humorist in English literature. His humor is of the finest type. It bears a close similarity to Shakespeare’s humor. Like Shakespeare’s humor it is marked with a freshness of outlook, charity, tolerance, sympathy and forgiveness. In Canterbury Tales the weakness of human life are presented cheerfully. Chaucer never lashes the vices of his fellowmen. His humor is broad. The humor in the case of the Clerk of Oxford is kindly and patronizing. His humor becomes a little rude and rough.

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Evaluate Chaucer as the father of English poetry.

Chaucer is regarded as the father of English poetry and the first of the great moderns. Chaucer anticipated the modern taste and the modern mind Chaucer may be called the morning star of the Renaissance. He is the greatest English story-teller in verse. He was praised for his technical skill He was the poet who first beautified and enhanced the English language. He was the first finder of the English language. He is the first English writer bring the atmosphere of romantic interest about the men and women and the daily work of one’s own world, which is the aim of nearly all-modem literature. He was essentially a dramatic poet. Like Shakespeare, he was concerned with men and women, their passions and opinions, the thoughts and ideas, which made them act as they did. Though Chaucer could not write a drama or a novel, as we know it, yet his works contain the seeds both of the modern drama and the novel. He is the first national poet of England. Chaucer made several contributions to English poetry. He enlarged the scope and range of the poet. He gave vivid and clear descriptions of the conditions of his times, excelled in characterization, humor, pathos / sorrow, made narration on art and above all gave a new form and shape to English language and versification.

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What do you know about Chaucer’s contribution?

Middle English literature reached the height of excellence, in the age of Chaucer, by his literary magnificence. He at first launched the social comedy. Chaucer remains the link between the medieval literary world and the modern. He gave a new impulse and a new vitality to English. He had a power of story telling, art of characterization, love of nature and poetical sensuousness and melody. He was the man who at first added excellent wit and humor in English literature. His art of characterization is mostly significant. He is the first great English story teller in verse. His metrical innovations earned him the title of father of English poetry. The idea of pentameter lines at first introduced by him.

Canterbury Tales is a national epic. Do you agree?

Yes, it’s a truly national poetry, as a national social epic of the 14th century England. The characters of this epic are selected from different walks of life, present the English society. The pilgrims represent the important trend of the English society. The knight represents the respectable society. The lawyer and the physician represent two money monger professions. The Franklin typifies the common people. The monk and Fair are the representatives of the order of the church. The clerk stands for the educated youth. The Summoner and the pardoner exemplify the corrupt wing of the church. This comedy is the reflection of whole society.

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Canterbury Tales is a comedy. Explain.

The prologue of Canterbury Tales bears out Chaucer’s genius as a comical author. In fact, the prologue reaches the height of a grand social comedy in poetry. The comic effect is finely achieved by his wonderful sense of wit, humor and irony. In this comedy there is mingle of wit and humor. This is a social comedy, though it is no drama. The idea of bringing so many pilgrims together is certainly quite humorous. But more humorous and witty is his description of different pilgrims. Chaucer’s best humors appear at the time of describing the wife of Bath and the Miller. Chaucer was a grand observer of life and society around him.


Evaluate Arnold’s estimate of Chaucer.

Chaucer is the father of wonderful English poetry. Chaucer’s poetry is full of thinking. But his poetry lacks of high seriousness. Homer’s criticism has of poetic diction, criticism of life, liberty, wisdom, benignity and largeness high seriousness. Dante’s has it, and Shakespeare’s also has it. In spite having high poetic qualities Chaucer cannot be regarded as classic. There are five characters of classics. They are poetic truth, poetic beauty, high seriousness, antiquity and universality. Chaucer’s poetry has a little touch with high seriousness.



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