
ইংরেজী সাহিত্যের বিভিন্ন সময় কাল- Chronologically

ইংরেজী সাহিত্যের বিভিন্ন সময় কাল

ইংরেজী সাহিত্যের বিভিন্ন সময় কাল সম্পর্কে এই পোষ্টে বিস্তারিত আরোচনা করা হয়েছে।

এ্যাঙ্গলো স্যাক্সন পিরিয়ড- What is Anglo-Saxon poetry?

The poetry written between 450 to 1066 is called Anglo-Saxon poetry. Beowulf is the best among Anglo-Saxon poetry. The common subjects of the Anglo-Saxon poetry are religious, pagan myths and heroic deeds. The lines of this poetry are generally long and unrhymed. The major characteristics of Anglo-Saxon poetry are: Unwritten, Christian sentiments, lyrical notes, elegy based, heroism, fighting, death, war, victory, heathenism, savagery, existence of riddles, idealistic views, pessimism, representation of Teutonic people, spirit of revenge, mysterious heroic personality and melancholy.


তিনটি এঙ্গলো স্যাক্সন কবিতা-Mention three Anglo-Saxon poems.

Beowulf, The Seafarer, The Wanderer.

See also  ইংরেজী সাহিত্যের বিভিন্ন পিরিয়ড সম্পর্কে ধারনা-Concept of Different Periods


Who were Angles, Saxon and Jute?

Angles, Saxon and Jute came to England from Germany and defeated the English tribes and started their reign.


How were the Anglo-Saxon people?

The Anglo-Saxon people were mainly warriors, hunters and travelers.



Caedmon and Cynewulf

What do you about Caedmon and Cynewulf?

ইংরেজী সাহিত্যের বিভিন্ন সময় কাল এর মধ্যে ক্যাডমেন ও সাইনউল্ফ অত্যন্তগুরুত্বপুর্ন।

Caedmon and Cynewulf were the two representative poets of the old English Christian poetry. Caedmon composed only religious poems. Among the chief works of Caedmon is the so-called Paraphrase. Cynewulf was the most careful artist among the older poets. He is notable for the skill of his verse and phrasing. His style free and easy. He is a writer of great influence and a poet of genuine power.


আলফ্রেড দ্যা গ্রেট-Alfred the Great

Evaluate Alfred the Great as the father of English prose.

Chaucer is considered as the father of English poetry. Spenser is considered as the poet’s of poet. Similarly Alfred, king in 9th century is considered as the father of English prose. He was the pioneer among Anglo-Saxon prose writers. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle was also inspired by him. It is the oldest monument of English prose. The prose style of Alfred was a highly Latinised one. He gave English prose strength and dignity by introducing a large Latin element into old English prose style by translating Latin books.


What should have the quality of epic according to Aristotle?

Aristotle mentions three requisites for an epic -a) The unity of action b) the entirety of action and c) the greatness of action.


What is the difference between primary and secondary epic?

A primary epic exhibits savage and rude heroism but a secondary epic demonstrates a more advanced taste. The secondary epic follows the tradition of the primary epic. In a primary epic the episodes are taken from the spoken tradition. For this, looseness in the building is seen. In the secondary epic looseness is not seen. Mystical elements are significant in primary epic. On the other hand mystical elements are not so significant in secondary epic like primary epic. Iliad is a primary epic. Paradise Lost is a secondary epic.

See also  বিসিএস প্রস্ততি ইংরেজী সাহিত্য- Remarkable Events of Different Periods


Do you find any lacking of epical quality in Beowulf?

Beowulf; however, does not satisfy fully all these Aristotelian requirements of epic poetry. It certainly lacks the unity of action that is found in Iliad and Odyssey. Beowulf has no entirety of action. There is no central action in it. It has no beginning, middle and an end. Basically Beowulf is considered as a collection of heroic episodes. Last of all the length of the p inconsiderable. A poem of some three thousand lines can hardly be taken a poem an epic proper.


ইংরেজী সাহিত্যের বিভিন্ন সময় কাল

Why is Beowulf considered as an epic poem?

Undoubtedly Beowulf lacks the unity and entirety of action. Yet Beowulf considered as an epic poem for having historical elements, heroic deeds, and heroic death. Beowulf dies heroically. He bears the essential spirit of an epic hero. It is considered as a social epic. It belongs to primitive Teutonie life.


How many lines and parts there in Beowulf?

Beowulf has 3183 lines and two parts. The first part deals with the hero’s fight with Grendel and the other part deals with hero’s fight with dragon The first part, again, has two divisions – Grendel’s death and his mother’s death at the hands of Beowulf. The second part presents the heroic death of Beowulf and his fight with the dreadful dragon.

See also  Hamlet হ্যামলেট-বিসিএস প্রস্ততি ইংরেজী সাহিত্য


Do you find any effects of Christianity on Anglo-Saxon poetry?

Anglo-Saxon poetry was immensely influenced by Christianity. Cademon is taken as the first Christian English poet-the pioneer of Christian poetry in English. Cynewulf is taken as the author of Christ. The Dream of the Rood bears the evidence of Christianity. There is a touch of Biblical stories in Anglo-Saxon poetry.


What do you know about Anglo-Saxon prose?

Anglo-Saxon prose was comparatively modern and simple. It contains some moral codes and historical records. The first remarkable specimen of Anglo Saxon prose was the ‘Chronicle’. Alfred is regarded as the father of English prose. Like Anglo-Saxon poetry, Anglo-Saxon prose was wrecked by the Norman conquest of 1066.


What do you know about Anglo-Saxon non-epical, non-Christian poetry?

The Complaint of Deor is considered as pre-Christian non epical poem. considered as the first English lyric. The non Christian poetry was unwritten.


Mention some Anglo-Saxon elegies.

The Ruin, The Seafarer, The Wanderer, The wife’s complaint, Husband’s Message are Anglo-Saxon elegies.


Beowulf is Anglo-Saxon non-Christian poetry. Do you agree?

The most remarkable work in Anglo-Saxon non-Christian poetry is certainly Beowulf. It is the oldest epic in Teutonic literature. It, however, belongs not to England but to Scandanvia. It is national epic of the Teutonic people. It is a social document of Anglo-Saxon primitive life.


Do you find any Christian elements in Beowulf?

The poem is heathenic in substance and presents the tales of the savage warfare of the primitive world. Beowulf is considered as non-Christian work of the pre-Christian time. Yet, Beowulf has also a clear Christian note. The very moral of Beowulf seems inspired by the Christian ideal of self sacrifice.


এঙ্গলো স্যাক্সন কাহিনী সম্পর্কে তুমি কি জানো What do you know about Anglo-Saxon chronicle?

The Anglo-Saxon chronicle, in fact, is important not as a particularly literary achievement, but as the milestone of the literary and cultural achievement of the English people. It is also the record of Anglo-Saxon literature. It is the record of the development of English prose.

এঙ্গলো স্যাক্সন গদ্য সম্পর্কে তুমি কি জানো What do you know about Anglo-Saxon prose?

Alfred is considered as the founder of Anglo-Saxon prose. Anglo-Saxon prose is mainly poetic. Theological prose writing writings are seen in this period. ban


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