
ইংরেজী সাহিত্যের বিভিন্ন পিরিয়ড সম্পর্কে ধারনা-Concept of Different Periods

The Basic Concept of Different Periods

ইংরেজী সাহিত্যের বিভিন্ন পিরিয়ড সম্পর্কে এই পোষ্টে দেয়া হয়েছে। এই পোষ্ট পড়লে ইংরেজী সাহিত্যের বিভিন্ন পিরিয়ড সম্পর্কে একটা ধারণা পাবেন।


The Old English or The Anglo-Saxon period

ইংরেজী সাহিত্যের বিভিন্ন পিরিয়ড এর মধ্যে এ্যঙ্গলো স্যাক্সন পিরিয়ড অনেক গুরুত্বপুর্ন।

The span from 450 to 1066 is called the Old English Period. In this period the Jutes, Angles and Saxons came to England from Germany. They defeated the English people and started their reign. Alfred the Great encouraged education in this period. Nothing can be definitely known about the writers of this period.


ইংরেজী সাহিত্যের বিভিন্ন পিরিয়ড সম্পর্কে এই পোষ্টে দেয়া হয়েছে।


Anglo-Norman period

Anglo-Norman period started in 1066 and ended in 1340. So, (1066-1340) is called Anglo-Norman period. The literature of that period was written mostly in Anglo-Norman, the French language spoken by the new ruling class of England. 


Middle English Period

The span from 1066 to 1500 is called Middle English period. The influence of the Norman Conquest on Middle English literature was noticeable. The Norman Conquest of 1066 provided an appropriate landmark for the history of England and brought about dramatic changes in all matters in English life and mind.


The age of Chaucer

The Age of Chaucer started in 1340 and ended in 1400. This age is called the Age of Chaucer because Chaucer, the father of English poetry. dominated this period.


Dark period

The span from 1400 to 1500 is called the Dark Age because nothing can be definitely known about this period.


ইংরেজী সাহিত্যের বিভিন্ন পিরিয়ড সম্পর্কে এই পোষ্টে দেয়া হয়েছে।

The Renaissance Period

This period started in 1516 and ended in 1642. Renaissance’s spirit was the wheeling force in this period. So, this period is called Renaissance period.


The Elizabethan period

The Elizabethan period is the most famous period of English literature. This age is called the golden age. England was reigned by Queen Elizabeth I from 1558 to 1603. So, this age is named after Queen Elizabeth I. Dynastic problem and political chaos came to an end. This age was influenced by Renaissance. The writers of this age wrote their books without the domination of Church. The literature was free from the intervention of the church. Religious reformation was remarkable in this age. Edmund Spencer, Sir Philip Sidney, Christopher Marlowe, William Shakespeare, Francis Bacon and Ben Jonson were the famous writers of this period.

See also  ইংরেজি সাহিত্যের গুরত্বপূর্ণ Literary Term নিয়ে বিসিএস প্রস্ততি


ইংরেজী সাহিত্যের বিভিন্ন পিরিয়ড সম্পর্কে এই পোষ্টে দেয়া হয়েছে।


Shakespearean period

The span from 1590-1616 is called Shakespearean period. Though Shakespeare had written his serious plays in the Jacobean age, he is called an Elizabethan dramatist and never the Jacobean.


Jacobean period

England was reigned by James I from 1603 to 1625. So, this is named after James L. The word ‘Jacobean’ is derived from Jacobus’ the Latin form of James. Colonial areas were extended. Religious discord revitalized in this period. The influence of Renaissance continued. Shakespeare, the famous playwright wrote 12 plays in this period. Othello, Macbeth, King Lear and The Tempest are noteworthy plays of Shakespeare.


Caroline period

England was reigned by Charles I from 1625 to 1649. So, this age is named after Charles I. The word “Caroline” is derived from “Carolus” the Latin form of “Charles”. Civil war took place between Cavaliers” and “Roundheads”. The further expansion of English colonies was noticeable. Drama collapsed down in this age because of civil war. The development of Metaphysical poetry was noticeable. Donne and Herbert were famous metaphysical poets. John Milton wrote Areopagitica in this period.


Commonwealth period

In this period the lack rulers in England was noticeable. In this age Puritanism started losing its popularity. Thomas Hobbes, the prominent political philosopher was the chief author of this age. The influence o Renaissance and Puritanism started disappearing at the end of this period. Even the Elizabethan romanticism lost its appeal.

See also  ইংরেজী সাহিত্যের বিভিন্ন সময় কাল- Chronologically


The Neoclassical Period

This age started in 1660 and ended in 1785. The artificiality of the writers was noticeable in this period. The writers copied the Greek and Roman literary tradition. “Art for humanity’s sake’ was the literary slogan of this period. Human beings were given more importance in this period.


The Restoration period

The restoration of monarchy was remarkable in this period. The English literary tradition was re-established in this period. So this period is called the Restoration period. Industrialization developed in England. The printing press was made free in order to enjoy the freedom of writing. The Bill of rights was approved in 1689. Royal society was set up in order to encourage scientific research. Milton, John Bunyan, John Dryden and William Congrerve were powerful and influential writers in this period. Paradise Lost, Samson Agonistes’ The way of the World, Pilgrim’s Progress, Absalom and Achitophe are some remarkable creations of this age. The major literary works of the were satiric.


The Augustan age or the age of Pope

There is a background of considering this age as Augustan age. The authors this period copied the style and method of the authors who wrote in Italy during the reign of the Emperor Augustus. Scotland came under the domination of England. The formation of first English cabinet was noticeable. The first appearance of daily English newspaper was also remarkable. Alexander Pope’s The Rape of the Lock, Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels, Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe were age-winning literary works in this period.


The age of Sensibility or The age of Dr. Johnson

This age is called the age of Johnson because Johnson dominated this period This age ended with the publication of Lyrical Ballads in 1798. Agricultural revolution appeared. Johnson’s Literary Club was set up. Samuel Johnson’s Preface to Shakespeare, Henry Fielding’s Tom Jones, William Blake’s Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience were the famous creations.


The Romantic period

The Romantic period started in 1798 through the publication of Lyrical Ballads. This period added new dimension in the literary movement. A of dramatic change was brought in subject and style in English literature. Common language and common people were given priority. Wordsworth, Coleridge, Lord Byron, Shelley, Keats were the famous poets in this period.

See also  বিসিএস প্রস্ততি ইংরেজী সাহিত্য- Remarkable Events of Different Periods


The Victorian Period

England was reigned by Queen Victoria from 1837 to 1901. So, this age is named after Queen Victoria. This age actually started 1832 and ended in 1900. The right of the children and laborer was preserved in this age. Democratic attitude and constructional policy developed in this age. Economic progress was noticeable in this period. Karl Mark’s dialectical materialism’ contributed to change the capitalistic economy. Alfred Tennyson, Robert Browning, Matthew Arnold were the prominent writers of this period.


The Pre-Raphaelites

The span from 1848 to 1860 is called the age of Pre-Raphaelites. There is a reason behind it. The art forms used before the period of Raphael (1483 1520) were followed by the artists of that time. This artist group was formed by D.G. Rossetti, W.H. Hunt and J.Millais. Christina Rossetti, W. Morris joined them. Actually, it was a movement for the artists but ultimately this movement turned into literary movement. Medievalism, imagery, sensuousness, truthfulness and simplicity are the chief features of the Pre-Raphaelites.


Aestheticism and Decadence:

The span from 1880-1901 is called the age of Aestheticism and Decadence because there was a collapse and decay of the Victorian spirit and standard in those years.


The Modern Period & The Postmodern Periods

After the death of Queen Victoria the Modern period started. The span from 1901 to 1939 is called the Modern period and from 1939 to present time is called the Post Modern period. Political unrest and instability, World war are the common feature of modern period. Scientific progress is noticeable. Many countries got their freedom. Struggle for democracy all over the world is remarkable. Joseph Conrad, G. B. Shaw, W.B Yeats. D. H. Lawrence, E. M Forster contributed a lot in the literary world.


The Edwardian period

The span from 1901-1910 is called the Edwardian period. This period is named after the King Edward VII. G.B Shaw and W.B. Yeats were the distinguished writers in this period.


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